Integrated product and price lists

With ACCEO Estimation, find all your product information in one place. Our software makes it easier to view and search products, and create assemblies and quotations. Get the most current net prices for your products.


All your products in a single location

Our software integrates our distribution partners’ product catalogues and modifications are synchronized in real-time. With our real-time product updates, you will always know which products are available. Then you can simply adjust your bids.

Powerful tools to simplify search

Advance search tools help you find products and assemblies more quickly. Identify the right products by viewing photos and data sheets. Select preferred products and reuse them for future projects.

Add products to your software

Add products exclusively available in online catalogues, then order them from distributor. Integrate your own products to your bids using ACCEO Estimation’s advanced feature.

Net prices for your own account

Always find the net negotiated prices to use in your bids. Manage your selling price efficiently by simply adding the percentage for your profit. Quickly determine if the project will be profitable for you.

Price update available 24/7

Update your global product list or your preferred product list anytime. Recalculate your bids with updated prices in no time.

Assemblies to speed-up your bid processes

Organize your products into assemblies to save valuable time in producing your takeoffs and quotations. Many preset product assemblies.

View more ACCEO Estimation features


Calculate takeoff quantities from PDF blueprints and create your takeoffs.

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Project bids

Produce quotation with accurate price, labour, and other cost.

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Purchase order

Turn your bid into an order and send it directly to your distributor.

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